20 Snappy Thoughts About The New Zealand Fashion Week 2017 Kate Sylvester Show

Photo via FashioNZ

1. This mini neon light show is making me feel like we’re in a club – a really stylish and fabulous club.

2. Oooo the dress sparkles.

3. Oh this coat is fabulous.

4. I kinda want to wear this green ensemble to a pyjama party. Is it a pyjama? No. But I’ll look fabulous at the said pyjama party.

5. I need these sparkly pants in my life! I’m already brainstorming outfit ideas…

6. Where can I buy those red booties? This is my chance to have my modern day The Wizard of Oz moment. “There’s no place like home.”

7. Another coat I want to buy.

8. Hmmm where can I get away with wearing this red dress, red leggings and red boots look?

9. Peek a boo purple!

10. This purple colour is a dream. I wonder what shade of purple it is. My closet needs a dose of this shade of purple.

11. Yeah I’m not really a fan of green so I’m just going to look past that and focus on the overall styling.

12. Whoa that’s a very sparkly dress!

13. Now that I’ve gotten over the shock of seeing the intense sparkle, I’ve concluded that I would totally be happy wearing that dress. I would rock that sparkly dress!

14. Here comes the velvet.

15. Oh I already know this pink portion of the show will be my favourite. They had me at pink.

16. And the sparkle is back!

17. I should mention there are also a mix of leather and velvet pieces in the show but for me, tonight is all about the sparkle.

18. I just want to hug this furry coat. It looks so comfy. I would totally sleep in it – or on it.

19. Oh no, we’re done already.

20. Okay, I want to wear some metallics now. That’s my takeaway from this. I need some sparkle in my life.