Because we agree that to be silent is to be complicit.

Police brutality and racism are nothing new. The rise of protests around the world represent the understandable frustration over the ongoing absence of real change and reform. We’ve seen it all before and nothing changes. This needs to stop because black lives do matter. 

While taking on these issues can feel overwhelming and even hopeless, listening, understanding, educating and sharing helpful information, amplifying black voices of the movement, speaking up, protesting, signing petitions, donating, and voting are a few good places to start.  

We are not an authority on these issues but we are listening and learning with open minds and hearts (leaving behind any preconceived notions and stereotypes) so that we can truly hear and understand the struggles that black people face against systemic and institutionalised racism. We want to grow and play our part to make genuine change happen. If you’re interested in getting involved, we ask that the first step is to not be complicit.