Welcome To Downtownite!

Hey! Welcome to Downtownite. Whatever it is that brought you here, I think it’s pretty amazing that you chose to visit and the hope is that you stick around. But you are probably wondering what is Downtownite.

The idea for Downtownite started when I was on holiday in New York City last year. I was sitting on a bench in Washington Square Park on a seriously bastard hot summer day with pen and notebook on hand. I was there to brainstorm what I wanted to do with my life. Yes, I was having one of those moments. I was just feeling really creatively unfulfilled at the time. So as I sat on that bench thinking, and occasionally people-watching, the idea eventually came about to start a site that focuses on Auckland’s city centre. Aha!

I just think it’s the perfect time to spotlight our good ole city centre. Yes, it is an absolutely mess right now with all the construction and road works. People don’t exactly know where they are going because the roads are a bit chaotic. But all of this is temporary. Changes are happening and it’s about damn time. For example, that new light installation in the Viaduct is pure spectacle and I love it. It’s fun! People are totally going to Instagram the shit out of that and any exposure is good exposure in my books.

Maybe it was being in one of the greatest cities in the world, New York City, which inspired the idea. Auckland is a great city as well. So let’s showcase that.

And here we are! Downtownite is your go-to destination for the best events, entertainment, shopping, and dining in Auckland’s city centre. What’s more, it’s a platform to celebrate the personalities that shape the character of this truly unique city.

So do linger even more, discover new things, have fun, and hang out with us. We are lucky to have you here.