A Harry Potter-Themed High Tea Is Coming To Auckland

Original Photo via Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Auckland is getting a Harry Potter-themed high tea for two magical afternoons and the massive Harry Potter fan in me is screaming, “Here, take my money!”

Nicknamed the Wizardry High Tea, the Stamford Plaza will be hosting the festivities from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. on October 6 and 7.

Based on the food and drinks on offer, it sure looks like Stamford has really taken the wizarding theme to heart. To start, guests will enjoy a Butterbeer cocktail (or mocktail) on arrival and to follow will be a menu featuring tons of Harry Potter references that will charm fans. You’ve got Dobby’s Herb Focaccia, Mrs Sprout’s Wholemeal Wrap, A Basilisk Dark Rye, Thunderbolt Green Eggs and Ham, Mrs Weasley’s Scones, Hedwig’s Popping Red Velvet Cup Cakes, Muggle Strawberry Cheese Cake, Vera Verto Frogs Stuck in Mud, and Ginny’s Salted Ginger Crunch (I see what you did there, Stamford).

Dressing up for the occasion is highly encouraged so bring out those robes, scarves, and wands. And if you really want to be extra, bring an owl stuffed toy along to really elevate your look – just a suggestion.

Bookings are essential so gather up your fellow Potterheads and make a booking soon. You can buy your tickets via Stamford Plaza’s website. Tickets range from about $30-$80.